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Key Considerations for Pre-Development Meetings with Municipalities

Construction projects are complex endeavors that require substantial planning, preparation, and coordination between various stakeholders, including relevant municipalities. To ensure the quickest and most cost effective completion of a construction project, it is important to hold a pre-development meeting with the municipality. 

Pre-development meetings should be held as early in the process. They help prevent misunderstandings about code and regulations that could lead to redesign costs, and can help developers better plan by getting an understanding of the anticipated approval or permit process timeline for their specific project. The pre-development meeting covers several key topics crucial for project success, including:

  • Project overview and objectives: Discussing the goals and expected outcomes of the construction project.
  • Zoning and permitting requirements: Reviewing the necessary permits and approvals required for the project, including local zoning regulations and building codes.
  • Infrastructure requirements: Reviewing the infrastructure needs for the project, such as access to utilities and transportation.
  • Environmental and safety considerations: Discussing potential environmental impacts, as well as any safety concerns that need to be addressed.
  • Timelines and cost: Discussing realistic project start dates and the estimated project cost.

The developer should bring several key items to the pre-development meeting to ensure they get the most value from this discussion with the municipality, including:

  • Project plans and specifications: Detailed plans and specifications for the construction project, including architectural drawings, site plans, estimated project cost, and any relevant engineering reports.
  • Zoning and permitting information: All relevant information regarding permits and approvals that have been obtained so far and those in progress.
  • Environmental assessments: Information on any environmental assessments conducted for the project, including impact assessments, soil analysis, and other relevant studies.
  • Questions and concerns: A list of any questions or concerns, including any potential obstacles or challenges that might arise, so the municipality can best guide the developer as early in the process as possible.

Construction projects can require complex planning and coordination to get to the build phase, especially for projects that fall within multiple municipalities and jurisdictional authorities that each have their own permitting and approval requirements. The pre-development meeting is an opportunity to build a relationship with these municipalities, ensure the permitting and approval process is as quick and smooth as possible, identify any potential issues before construction, and save time and money.

At Front Line Advisory Group (FLAG), we are providing change management services to help municipalities collect and analyze data, improve stakeholder communication, leverage technology, develop training plans, and more. We believe these are the most effective and affordable ways for municipalities to scale their capabilities. Contact us for more info at

FLAG provides program management consulting services in Central Texas for municipal and school capital improvement bonds. FLAG is revolutionizing the construction industry and transforming client expectations by obsessing over the basics of budget oversight, schedule enforcement, compliance, vendor management, and stakeholder communication.

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